Solar Pool Salt

Clean & Pure Pool Salt­™

Clean & Pure is a solar pool salt.

High Purity

Clean & Pure Pool Salt™ is specifically engineered for pools using pool salt chlorine generators.  With 99.8% purity, it helps to ensure clean and clear water clarity.

Safer Ingredients

Unlike harmful chlorine chemicals, Clean & Pure Pool Salt™ is formulated with non-hazardous ingredients that are safer to handle and are gentler on the eyes, skin and hair when dissolved in pool water.

Fast Dissolving

This premium, 99.8% soluble Clean & Pure Pool Salt™ is made from extra fine, quick and evenly dissolving crystals.

Environmentally Friendly

Clean & Pure Pool Salt™ is formulated with environmentally friendly ingredients that are safe for almost all pools and eliminate the need to use hazardous chlorine chemicals.

Uses: Chlorine Generators

Available in 40 lb bags (63 bags per pallet)

Pool (1)

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